Claims and Eligibility
Clinical Resources
September 29, 2020
You can now use the Medical Record Status Viewer to confirm receipt of medical records submitted by fax or mail to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana (BCBSMT) for prior authorization requests. As a reminder, this application is accessible to you in our BCBSMT-branded Payer Spaces section via Availity® Essentials.
What does this application provide?
The Medical Record Status Viewer search results will specify “Yes” or “No” regarding receipt. If records have been received, the response will display the receipt date, number of pages, and associated group number for up to four of the most recent medical records on file with BCBSMT for claim processing and prior authorization requests.
For More Information
Refer to the instructional Medical Record Status Viewer User Guide in the Provider Tools section of our website. If you need further assistance or training, you can email our Provider Education Consultants.
Don’t have an Availity Essentials account?
Register today by going to Availity or contact Availity Client Services at 800-282-4548.
This information is not applicable to Medicare Advantage claims or prior authorization requests.
Availity is a trademark of Availity, LLC, a separate company that operates a health information network to provide electronic information exchange services to medical professionals. Availity provides administrative services to BCBSMT. BCBSMT makes no endorsement, representations or warranties regarding third party vendors and the products and services they offer.