Feb. 03, 2020
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana (BCBSMT) Blue ValueSM Total Health Management (THM) program is based on member/patient engagement, establishing relationship with a Primary Care Provider (PCP), and completing preventive care exam and screenings.
A combination of your dedicated efforts and the THM program has improved the health of our groups and members. The THM program data speaks for itself, but these numbers don’t show the immeasurable improvement to people’s lives and productivity of the work force.
As the THM program continues to expand, your office will be seeing more of our members, coming to you, their primary care provider of choice. We encourage them to continue to develop a loyal relationship with you to improve their health and wellbeing. This member engagement provides an opportunity for your practice to continue to make a difference in the health and lives of Montanan’s. We appreciate your support and understanding of the THM program.
How the Total Health Management Program Works
The BCBSMT Beneficiary Member will be responsible for obtaining the THM form
, completing Sections 1 and 2, signing the form, in Section 4, and submitting the form to BCBSMT. The BCBSMT Participating Primary Care Provider will be responsible for completing Sections 3 and 4 as follows:
- Section 3 – Health Screening Measures – Complete all fields*.
- Section 4 – Signature – You and your patient must sign this form, even if you have determined an office visit is not required.
*“Not Applicable” Section – There is an area on the form in Section 3 with the heading Not Applicable. If your patient’s individual circumstances render a health measure inapplicable, please mark that standard as N/A and provide a reason in the comments section. For instance, if your patient has had a hysterectomy, the standard cervical cancer screening would be inapplicable; mark N/A for the cervical cancer screening standard and in the comment section note that your patient has had a hysterectomy.
Should you or your staff have questions or concerns or if you require additional information, please contact your Provider Network Consultant.